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RevIVeDoc IV infusions and shots are tailored to a Chicago-lifestyle. From seasonal flu to weight-loss, to physical training, jetlag and beyond, we’re here to bring you back to life.

At RevIVeDoc, we combine our medical expertise with our passion for wellness to help you get back to living your best life.

Dr Lenny Cohen, MD

Destress This Winter with Detox IV

Smiling woman with radiant skin after a detox IV treatment.

Wintertime can be rife with unhealthy habits: staying indoors, being sedentary, and eating unhealthy foods. Our poor wintertime health habits can get the best of us, and leave us feeling toxified and bloated.  For those looking to be proactive about their health, a detox IV can be an ideal way to reset after a stressful season of holiday planning and preparations, comfort food eating, and toxic buildup. Detox IV is an IV cleanse that delivers a powerful infusion of antioxidants and trace minerals directly to your cells. 



It’s Time to Destress & Detoxify

Destressing and detoxifying often go hand in hand. Because by definition, toxins add stress to your body at the cellular level. 

Toxic buildup can require your liver and kidneys to work overtime and the end result is feeling less than 100%. This, in itself, can be a stressful experience for our body and overall well being. Since work and home life demands rarely slow down, it’s important to feel our best to function at peak performance.

Detox IV is the Ideal IV Infusion

If you’re ready to feel your best and shake off any post-holiday stress, then you may want to consider scheduling a detox IV. IV detoxification can help eliminate toxins in the body and promote the body’s natural healing system. IV detoxification is especially useful for those who consume alcohol frequently, smoke cigarettes or are exposed to secondhand smoke, or for those who are exposed to pollution, heavy metals, acid rain, or pesticides.

It’s a challenge to avoid toxins and the reality is that we’re exposed to them on a regular basis. Excessive alcohol intake adds up and non-organic foods laden with pesticides can take a toll. Environmental toxins from the air we breathe, rain acidity, and even common household cleaning products can be a source of toxins.

Comprised of Vitamin C, B Group Vitamins, Glycine, Glutamine, Taurine, and trace minerals, our Detox IV infusion can help provide the antioxidant support your liver needs to process and eliminate these toxins: 

Vitamin C - Helps reduce inflammatory symptoms and supports liver detoxification.

Vitamin B  - Vitamin B helps the body defend itself from free radicals. But alcohol can interfere with your body’s ability to intake vitamin B.

Glycine - An essential, anti-inflammatory amino acid that aids in detoxification processes.

Glutamine - Glutamine works to detox the ammonia from the body and is especially important for intestinal health. Over 30 percent of glutamine is utilized by the intestine. 

Taurine - Taurine supports the liver, which is the most influential organ for detoxification. A well-supported liver may be more effective in processing and eliminating toxins from the body.

Trace Minerals - Heavy metals can mimic essential trace minerals. By improving trace mineral intake, this may reduce the likelihood of toxic, heavy metal uptake. For example, being deficient in zinc can increase the likelihood of cadmium absorption, a heavy metal that is toxic to your body in large amounts.

Get the Detox IV

Destress this winter, detox, and relax in our state-of-the-art facility, fully equipped with all the comforts of home and office. To get the most out of your Detox IV, it’s recommended to schedule your treatment three times a week for two weeks. For exact recommendations and a customized treatment plan, consult with a board-certified physician specializing in Detox IVs or visit our IV clinic today.

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