PRP Treatment Clinic Chicago

PRP Injections

Hair loss, drooping facial skin, and wrinkles are some of the harsh consequences of aging.
Sun damage, medical conditions, and some medications can also accelerate hair loss while making your facial skin lose its elasticity and texture.

Hair and skin problems are most often due to poor blood circulation to the skin and low levels of hair and skin health proteins such as collagen and elastin. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, popularly known as vampire facelift, gives your face a makeover, resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin.

What is PRP therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy makes use of the patient’s own platelets to encourage healing of injured body tissues, improving blood flow and stepping up collagen production. PRP injections assist the body’s innate healing processes through activated platelets. PRP is also used to encourage hair growth by stimulating the growth factor.

Platelets contain many elements that aid in the multiplication and specialization of cells that are essential for skin rejuvenation.

What are the benefits of PRP therapy?

PRP injections have been found to be highly effective in treating a range of conditions including signs of aging, orthopedic injuries, dentistry and hair restoration.

  • Scientific studies show that PRP infusion boosts healing in bone and soft tissue. In Achilles tendon injuries, PRP injections are effective in improving tendon strength while in calf injuries, the PRP injections encourages muscle regeneration.
  • PRP treatment is also beneficial for muscle and ligament injuries and chronic conditions such as knee osteoarthritis. PRP injections are also used to treat patellar tendonitis, rotator cuff injuries, and tennis elbow.
  • PRP is also used to encourage hair growth by stimulating the growth factor.
  • PRP injections find widespread use in dentistry, skin wound healing, dermatology, and cosmetic facial rejuvenation. Scientific studies show PRP infusion is effective in stepping up collagen production which addresses skin health problems such as sun damage or wrinkles.

When used for hair restoration, PRP infusion helps boost hair count, thickness, and the hair cycle’s growth phase.

What does the process involve?

To prepare the PRP injections, the patient’s blood samples are taken and processed in a centrifuge, which concentrates platelets. These activated platelets, when directly injected into the affected area, release growth factors which step up the number of repairing cells. Multiple injections are given in the affected areas using small needles.

The entire process of drawing the blood, centrifuging it, and re-injecting it into the affected area may take close to 30-60 minutes.

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