IV infusions

Ideally, a balanced and healthy diet should give us the vitamins we need. But how many of us actually adopt a healthy diet into our fitness regime? With Intravenous Vitamin Therapy (IV Therapy), we can now replenish our bodies with those much-needed essentials. Since they are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they completely circumvent the digestive process. So our bodies benefit from optimal utilization of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep a range of maladies at bay.


  • Treats a plethora of health conditions – From chronic fatigue, anxiety, and Parkinson’s disease to migraines, asthma, and fibromyalgia, IV therapy can be highly customized to address a range of ailments.
  • Fast acting – With IV therapy, the vitamins are directly absorbed into your cells, so they work much quicker than oral supplements.
  • Safe – Board-certified doctors and highly-trained medical technicians are qualified to design the finest treatment plans to suit individual requirements.
  • Preventive therapy – With IV vitamins, when your body receives the perfect amount of those vital nutrients, it mitigates the risk of some conditions developing in the first place. For example – doses of Vitamin C not only affects cancer cells but also build immunity as well.

We are offering number of custom IV blends and some of most popular are listed below.

Ageless Beauty

Make the most of a powerful anti-aging treatment that revitalizes the health and youthfulness of your hair, skin and nails. This IV therapy nourishes your body with B12, Vitamin C, proline, lysine, riboflavin, biotin and glutathione. Vitamin C and biotin promote collagen production, helping grow and strengthen your hair. B12 deficiency is one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in the world. If your nails have started looking brown-grey, your body may not be getting enough B12. Get your vitamin shot to maintain good nail health and safeguard your skin against dark spots and pigmentation.
Skin goals cannot exist without lysine and proline, two vital amino acids that help form collagen and repair damage to the skin. Riboflavin is critical for the growth and repair of tissues, and whose deficiency is responsible for skin disorders. Glutathione improves skin texture, builds nail strength and makes hair shinier.

Don’t miss out on your intravenous therapy before a social event, as an effective antidote for dry and/or blemished skin, and to improve the look of aging skin. Benefits you can expect include:

  • Hydrated, healthy skin
  • Prevent oxidative stress by reversing production of free radicals
  • Triple action on skin, hair and nails for flawless beauty
  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles

Ageless Beauty IV therapy is recommended three times a week until you have achieved radiant skin. After that, get your vitamin shots once a week to keep deficiencies away and retain your youthful vigor and attraction. A la carte enhancements are available, so discuss your beauty needs with us.

Brain Reboot

In today’s connected and fast-paced world, keeping pace with the rigorous demands of work and social life can lead to mental exhaustion. Technology overload, excess amounts of stress, and the natural process of aging can impair memory and focus, leading to brain fog. Brain Reboot IV infusion therapy delivers a potent mix of nutrients including B12, B6, B-complex, glutathione, folic acid, taurine, alpha lipoic acid, and niacinamide that reduce mental fatigue while boosting clarity and focus.

Recent studies have shown that close to 40 percent of the US population is vitamin B12-deficient. Low B12 levels cause memory loss, fatigue, and other nervous system-related problems. Brain Reboot IV infusion delivers the right amount of B12 to boost cognition and memory. Vitamin B6, also called as pyridoxine, regulates mental function, boost memory while stabilizing mood by stepping up the production of the “happy hormone,” serotonin, and by increasing the blood circulation in nerve cells.

Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative stress, which is linked to many brain disorders including poor memory, cognition, and concentration. Scientists have found that high doses of folic acid can slow down memory impairment that accompanies aging while boosting mood.

Clinical studies show that taurine, an amino acid, has neuroprotective effects, and boosts both memory and learning ability. Alpha-lipoic acid has antioxidant properties and is effective in correcting memory deficit and cognitive decline. Some studies show that niacinamide is effective in reducing memory loss in Alzheimer’s while boosting focus and mental clarity in healthy adults.

  • Get rid of mental exhaustion
  • Achieve more with sharp focus and mental clarity
  • Fight age-related memory loss

Brain Reboot IV therapy should ideally be taken every week for four weeks followed by monthly infusions thereon. A la carte enhancement with phosphatidylcholine is available.

Cleanse & Detox

Toxins are all around us. Sometimes, our lifestyles willingly invite toxins into our body, which over time, can potentially cause chronic diseases. Cleanse & Detox IV drip cleanses your body off toxins and helps your vital organs function optimally. The IV infusion comprises Vit C, B pack, trace minerals, glycine/glutamine/taurine, each providing benefits for your physical and mental wellness. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that your liver needs to process and eliminate toxins. A low level of Vitamin C not only disturbs your body’s detoxification process, it also causes fatigue, depletes your energy levels and affects your mood.

A non-essential amino acid, glutamine supports your brain during times of stress, lowering anxiety and lifting your mood. As an antioxidant amino acid, taurine helps your body combat free radicals, protects brain cells, and avoids tissue damage. Glycine is another important amino acid that helps facilitate neurotransmissions in the brain, benefitting cognitive function. Trace minerals are so called because your body does not require them in large quantities. Still, their deficiency can disrupt the energy creation process and prevent the proper facilitation of nerve impulses, affecting the brain, muscle and all vital body organs.

The role of B Vitamins in maintaining energy levels, maintaining good digestive health, supporting healthy heart and brain function, and counteracting damage from free radicals is well documented.

  • Cleanse and support the proper functioning of vital organs
  • Reset organs with a full body detoxification
  • Enhance learning and collaboration with improved focus, mood and memory
  • Get more done with higher energy levels

Cleanse & Detox IV drip is recommended three times a week for two weeks. Glutathione is offered as an a la carte addition.

Good Mood

If you often feel low, anxious or find it difficult to sleep, you are not alone. Depression, anxiety, and mood disorders are the most common mental disorders affecting at least 300 million people in the world. Good Mood IV therapy addresses the root causes of these disorders with a potent mix of nutrients such as B12, B complex, vitamin C, glutamine, inositol, glycine, tryptophan, alpha lipoic acid, and magnesium.

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is essential for the normal function and development of brain cells and blood cells. Its deficiency causes a range of symptoms including anxiety, panic, sleeplessness, and depression. Good Mood IV therapy normalizes B12 levels thereby getting rid of anxiety and depression. B vitamins including B6, folate, thiamine, and niacin play key roles in boosting brain health and mood by stepping up the production of serotonin, a “feel good” hormone and other neurotransmitters.

Studies have shown that vitamin C supplementation improves mood and reduces anxiety by fighting oxidative stress. Vitamin C also plays a role in nerve cell development and function. Glutamine and glycine are amino acids that boost the production of neurotransmitters thereby improving mood and reduce anxiety. Clinical research shows inositol, a vitamin-like substance, can help eliminate panic disorder, depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid required to make neurotransmitters such as melatonin and serotonin. The amino acid improves the quality of sleep while reducing anxiety. Alpha-lipoic acid boosts cellular energy levels and regenerates antioxidants in the body such as glutathione and vitamin C. Magnesium is heralded as the “mood mineral” because of its efficacy in reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and irritability.

  • Enjoy great quality sleep
  • Stay anxiety and stress-free
  • Get rid of depression, restlessness, and fatigue
  • Feel re-energized

Good Mood IV infusion should be taken twice per week and continued until the desired relief from stress and depression is attained. Phosphatidylcholine-based a la carte enhancement is available.

Hangover Cure

Symptoms of a serious hangover typically include nausea, headache, cramps, and tiredness. Apart from these, irritability, sensitivity to light, inability to concentrate can make it difficult to get through the day’s tasks. Hangover Cure, the best hangover treatment Chicago can lay claim to, is the ideal restorative infusion that treats acute dehydration, the root cause of hangover symptoms. Dehydration can cause depletion of electrolytes apart from stressing the liver and kidney.

Hangover Cure IV infusion contains 1L 0.9% NaCl (sodium chloride), B pack, Toradol, and trace minerals. Sodium chloride is the key electrolyte that energizes, maintains fluid balance, restores blood pressure, and transmits nerve signals while helping the muscles relax and contract.

Alcohol is known to deplete the body’s reserves of B vitamins which can lead to symptoms such as irritability, headaches, jitters, and nausea. Studies have shown B vitamins such as B6, B12, thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2) help alleviate these symptoms. Vitamin B12 regulates brain and nervous system functions which help increase alertness while other B vitamins boost energy metabolism. Acute dehydration along with alcohol puts additional stress on the liver and kidneys. Hangover Cure IV infusion contains the right combination of electrolytes, minerals, and B-vitamins that detox the liver and kidneys.

Toradol contains Ketorolac which is a prescription anti-inflammatory drug and pain-killer that alleviates hangover headache.

  • Feel energized and alert
  • Support liver and kidney health with rehydration and detoxification
  • Experience complete relief from hangover headache

A single infusion of Hangover Cure IV therapy is recommended to correct acute dehydration, restore electrolyte balance, and to alleviate pain. A la carte enhancements with vitamin C is available.


Whether you need to frequently travel for business or indulge in occasional overseas vacations, flying long distances can take a toll on health. Jet lag is also known as desynchronosis or flight fatigue that leads to sleeplessness, fatigue, restlessness, and mood swings. Jetsetter IV therapy is the perfect solution for jetlag with a potent cocktail of nutrients in the form of B12, B-complex, glutathione, Lysine, vitamin C, trace minerals, and zinc.

Vitamin B12 helps your body and mind stay alert and energized without the unwanted side effects of jitteriness or shakiness of caffeine and other energy drinks. B vitamins have been thoroughly researched for their role in boosting energy production, stabilizing mood, removing fatigue, and improving sleep quality. Glutathione is one of the best detoxifying agents that helps remove stress and fatigue associated with jet lag. Lysine is a stress-buster apart from being effective against fatigue, nausea, and dizziness linked with lack of sleep. Oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals is linked to chronic illnesses, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. A sub-optimal immune system, after a long journey, can increase the risk of viral and bacterial infections. Vitamin C and zinc provide extra support by fighting oxidative stress, strengthening immunity, and reducing fatigue.

  • Stay energized and alert pre and post travel
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Eliminate post-travel jet lag

Jetsetter IV infusion therapy is recommended prior to or after the travel to restore energy levels and strengthen immunity. Please contact us for magnesium-based a la carte enhancement.

Mega C

Good nutrition is key to achieving optimal physical and mental health and is even more crucial when fighting cancer. Vitamin C is a key micronutrient and a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes cancer-causing free radicals apart from healing wounds and repairing damaged tissues. Mega C IV infusion as adjunctive therapy delivers a high dose of vitamin C which helps reduce side effects while correcting deficiencies.

Many factors combine to cause vitamin C deficiency in cancer patients. These can include reduced oral intake, side effects of treatment, infections, and surgery. Low vitamin C levels in the body can lead to scurvy, a condition characterized by weakness, sore joints, bleeding disorder, and impaired immunity.

Clinical studies show intravenous therapy with vitamin C is effective in killing cancer cells while improving quality of life, minimizing pain and other side effects of treatment. Researchers have also observed that a high dose of vitamin C delivered through IV infusion is well-tolerated and safe. In some patients, megadoses of the vitamin helped stop the progression of cancer. Vitamin C steps up the production of collagen strengthens healthy tissues and boosts the efficacy of medications used to treat cancer.

Studies also show vitamin C boosts natural immunity and possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties. Apart from increasing antibody responses, vitamin C enhances the production of pathogen-fighting immunoglobulins, interferon, and lymphocytes.

  • Prevent vitamin C deficiency
  • Feel energized and alert
  • Power up immunity to fight infections
  • Get rid of the side effects of cancer treatment
Myer’s Cocktail

Chronic illnesses including digestive issues, migraine, asthma, chronic exhaustion or other conditions can take a toll on both physical and mental health. Myer’s Cocktail IV therapy delivers a holistic therapeutic benefit with a comprehensive blend of key nutrients. These include vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide, dexpanthenol, pyridoxine, hydroxocobalamin, magnesium, taurine, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium, potassium, and molybdenum. The potent mix delivers maximum protection against a host of conditions including asthma, urticaria, migraine, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, and upper respiratory tract infections.

B vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide, and pyridoxine have been extensively studied for their role in many health conditions including heart health, digestion, metabolism, brain function, viral, and bacterial infections. These vitamins perform key roles in the body such as energy metabolism, the production of neurotransmitters, regulation of heart rhythm and blood pressure and so on. Vitamin B12, pyridoxine, and niacin step up the production of neurotransmitters to eliminate depression and anxiety, while vitamin C aids in collagen production, wound healing, immune system strengthening, and the absorption of iron.

Dexpanthenol improves skin hydration, reduces inflammation, and accelerates wound healing that is particularly effective in urticaria. Chromium is known to boost insulin sensitivity while selenium is a powerful antioxidant that plays a protective role in thyroid health and asthma. Copper is an essential component of the body’s natural antioxidant, apart from being essential for red blood cell production and energy metabolism. Molybdenum is studied for its protective role against cancers, allergies, yeast infections, and liver diseases. Potassium regulates heart rhythm and helps in controlling blood pressure.

  • Complete resolution of digestion and absorption-related issues
  • Fight viral and bacterial infections
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Combat fatigue and chronic exhaustion

A weekly infusion of Myer’s Cocktail IV therapy is recommended to attain an optimal state of health.

Peak Performance

When you are looking to build the perfect physique of your dreams, you need to focus on losing fat, building muscle, improving health, and boosting endurance. Peak Performance IV infusion contains an ideal blend of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that pack a powerful punch. Carnitine boosts athletic performance and endurance by transporting fat to muscle cells where they are used to produce energy during intense exercise. Studies show it can also improve the action of insulin on muscle cells, aiding in muscle building and facilitates post-workout muscle recovery.

The demand for glutamine goes up during intense exercise or stress, injury, and illnesses. The amino acid prevents muscle loss that is caused by hormonal imbalance. Arginine is another amino acid that promotes muscle growth apart from burning fat stores. It also boosts endurance by releasing nitric oxide that promotes blood circulation.

Intense workouts can increase the levels of cortisol, a hormone which can induce muscle breakdown. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that lowers cortisol levels post workout, preserving muscle mass and aiding in recovery. The vitamin also promotes wound healing and collagen synthesis. Clinical studies show that magnesium boosts athletic performance and endurance. Magnesium and B vitamins play key roles in energy production, muscular contraction, neurological activity, cardiac health, and bone metabolism. Vitamin B12 ensures the muscle cells get oxygen-rich blood during intense workouts, thereby boosting endurance.

  • Experience enhanced endurance and stamina
  • Build optimal muscle and burn fat
  • Eliminate post-workout muscle fatigue
  • Attain the best of fitness and physique

For best results, Peak Performance IV therapy should be taken after each strenuous exercise session. Phosphatidylcholine-based a la carte enhancements are available.


Water makes up 60% of the human body. Losing just 1.5% of the body’s reserves of water causes an imbalance of electrolytes with symptoms such as dry and flaky skin, headaches, light-headedness, confusion, and low blood pressure. Rehydration IV infusion quickly restores electrolyte balance while ensuring adequate hydration. This intravenous therapy is recommended if you are recovering from chronic illnesses, injuries, strenuous workouts, exhausting activities or tend to sweat a lot.

The IV infusion includes 1L 0.9% NaCl or 1L Lactate Ringer solution. The solution is a combination of key electrolytes such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodium lactate along with water. The sterile IV infusion not only hydrates but steps up urine production which helps the body get rid of the accumulated toxins. One of the most serious consequences of chronic dehydration is acidosis where the acidity levels in the blood and body tissues increase to dangerous levels. Lactate Ringer solution is an ideal alkalizing agent that reduces acidity while aiding in recovery.

  • Cleanse and detox the body
  • Stay energized and stabilize blood pressure and mood
  • Get back skin glow and texture
  • Recover faster from illnesses, injuries or strenuous workouts

Rehydration intravenous therapy is recommended as a singular infusion for quickly restoring electrolyte and fluid balance. A la carte enhancements with B complex, methylcobalamin, and trace minerals are available.

Slim Boost

When your weight scale shows you a number you don’t like, IV therapy can go a long way in shedding the extra pounds. Slim boost offers a quick therapeutic response for effective weight loss support. This IV therapy is recommended if you have gained a lot of weight and need to lower your BMI; can’t seem to fight off unhealthy food cravings; ignored dieting or exercising; or gained more weight than expected after a leisurely vacation.

The IV infusion includes B vitamins, methionine, inositol, choline (MIC) and L-carnitine, which pack a big punch. Studies have indicated a connection between obesity and low vitamin B-12 levels; nearly 30% of people seeking weight-loss surgery are deficient in B12. Slim boost restores your body’s B12 levels so it can efficiently convert fats and proteins to energy and break down carbohydrates. B-complex is also essential to weight loss success as it helps your body metabolize nutrients and controls your appetite. An imbalance of the eight B vitamins that form Vitamin B-complex causes sudden changes in weight and disturbs sleep-wake cycles. The B-complex in Slim Boost helps prevent annoying weight fluctuations while also promoting restful sleep.
Methionine, Inositol, Choline (MIC) are well-known lipotropic substances that help metabolize fat and boost your body’s energy levels. L-carnitine promotes the movement of fatty acids into cells to be burned for energy, and also improves mood and memory.

  • Feel more energized throughout the day
  • Give metabolism a boost to burn more fat quickly
  • Enjoy better sleep and sleep quality
  • Slim Boost IV therapy is recommended twice a week for safe, natural weight loss.
The Antidote

If you frequently suffer from bouts of flu, cold or other viral infections, a weakened immune system may be the cause. The flu virus affects up to l20 % of the population in the US, while it can also cause chronic illnesses such as hepatitis and herpes. The only way to combat viral infections is by boosting the immune system. The Antidote IV infusion therapy strengthens the immune system which helps eliminate viruses while accelerating healing.

The Antidote IV infusion contains 500 CC 0.9% NaCl (sodium chloride), Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B12, B-complex, Vitamin C, and glutathione. Sodium chloride is a key electrolyte that helps in the normal functioning of the heart, brain cells, and metabolism. Many clinical studies have shown the efficacy of zinc in treating common colds, herpes, and other viral and autoimmune conditions. The mineral regulates the immune system, reduces inflammation, and promotes wound healing. Magnesium steps up the production of macrophages and immunoglobulins that destroy viruses. Vitamin B12 promotes the production of immune cells while B-complex vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin help in wound healing, cell repair, and energy metabolism.

Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants that fight cell damage and helps in wound healing. It also boosts the immune system by stepping up the production of macrophages.

  • Strengthen natural defense against viral infections
  • Accelerate wound healing and cell repair
  • Bounce back from infections in quick time

For maximum benefits, it is recommended to take Antidote IV infusion twice a week initially, followed by once a month infusions. A la carte enhancement with lysine is available.


Cryotherapy is a ground-breaking, safe alternative and preventative solution for pain. The term literally means “cold therapy” and the treatment employs localized freezing temperatures to numb an affected nerve and give you that much-needed relief.

It can be administered in one area or alternatively, you can also choose whole-body Cryotherapy as well. The benefits are felt after just one sitting and for sustained relief, you can undergo several sessions because it is a completely non-invasive treatment with minimal downtime if any exists at all.

Benefits include:

  • Decreases inflammation
  • Reduces arthritic pain
  • Treats atopic dermatitis and several other skin ailments
  • An effective remedy for mood disorders
  • Facilitate muscle recovery after strenuous physical activity
  • Speeds up metabolism
NAD + IV Clinic

NAD+ also referred to as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a non-protein compound and a powerful coenzyme, which is a component in all living cells. It is essential for the basic biological operations that give us life from enhancing our metabolism to repairing our DNA to strengthening our cells’ defense mechanism.

However, as we age, the levels of NDA+ decrease and low levels adversely affect our health. So it is vital that we replenish our supply of this life-giving “helping” molecule that drives the natural process of reversing the signs of aging from inside out.


  • Stimulates enzymes that boost healthy aging
  • Safeguards brain cells
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease
  • Helps in weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate
  • Enhances muscular function

Helpful for:

  • Anxiety / Stress Disorder
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Behavioral Disorders
  • Living a healthier life
PRP Injections

The world over platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that has taken the health industry by storm, and it continues to grow increasingly popular every year. Favored by very famous athletes, it has also been credited as the reason some have been able to make a successful comeback to sports.

What is PRP?

Our blood constitutes a liquid (plasma) and small solid components – red and white cells and platelets. The latter consists of hundreds of proteins, which are referred to as growth factors, and they are vital in helping injuries heal faster, naturally.

In PRP treatment, the technique employed segregates the platelets to deliver plasma that is approximately 5 to 10 times richer in growth factors than our normal blood is, which in turn accelerates the healing process tenfold.

Some Conditions that PRP Treats are:

  • Sports injuries including severe ligament and muscular trauma
  • Joint arthritis
  • Neck and back pain including sciatica
  • Shoulder, hip and knee aches and pain
  • Aging – Facial revitalization through stimulating the skin’s regenerative process
  • Hair restoration by motivating follicular growth and replenishing hair texture