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RevIVeDoc IV infusions and shots are tailored to a Chicago-lifestyle. From seasonal flu to weight-loss, to physical training, jetlag and beyond, we’re here to bring you back to life.

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Dr Lenny Cohen, MD

Targeting Cancer Cells with High Dose Vitamin C

IV vitamin infusion Chicago

We all heard that if we have the cold or the flu, to take extra Vitamin C, but most don’t know exactly what Vitamin C is and what are its vast benefits beyond getting over flu. Lets try to do some scientific research and unfold benefits of Vitamin C.

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate is a well-known supplement due a number of its physiological functions. Some of them are listed below:
  • Helps to metabolise tyrosine, folic acid and tryptophan
  • Increases the elimination of cholesterol
  • Helps to synthesis catecholamines
  • Helps the body to absorb, breakdown histamine
  • Increase the absorption of non-heme iron;
  • Participates in synthesis of collagen (it is most widely known physiological function);
  • Potent antioxidant, it neutralises free radicals
  • Insures DNA from damage due to free radicals
Over the past century, the idea that vitamin C can treat cancer has formulated much controversy. However, new studies regarding the pharmacokinetics of vitamin C supplementation and modern preclinical studies have modernised interest in utilising high-dose vitamin C IV infusion for cancer treatment. New findings regarding vitamin C's anti-cancer properties enable identifying patient populations that may benefit the most from high-dose vitamin C therapy.

What are the properties of vitamin C that has potential anti-cancer benefits?


Although vitamin C is known to stimulate immune function, inhibit production of the known carcinogenic compound nitrosamine, and block the metabolic activation of carcinogens, its cancer-preventive effects may be associated mainly with its protective effects against oxidative stress. The carcinogenic effect of oxidative stress primarily focuses on reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) genotoxicity. Vitamin C can protect against oxidative DNA damage, which is involved in tumor initiation. ROIs have also known to play a significant role in the promotional development stage of carcinogenesis. Besides the antioxidant activity, and intrinsic prooxidant potential of vitamin C may contribute to its chemopreventive properties.


There is considerable evidence that ROIs are somehow involved in chronic inflammation and cancer. The generation of oxidative stress is an integral part of the inflammatory response associated with tumor growth. Thus, many compounds with antioxidant capability can inhibit tumor promotion and inflammation. Several studies revealed that some cancers development as consequences of chronic inflammation. Gastric cancer is one of such examples. The inflammatory processes mostly due to increased ROIs production. Vitamin C supports reduction of inflammation caused by ROIs, therefore potentially reducing the incidence of gastric cancer. A recent human study also showed low vitamin C concentrations in gastric juice in the earlier carcinogenesis stage. The effects of vitamin C against gastric carcinogenesis may be partly related to the scavenging of the mucosal oxygen radicals and the inhibition of carcinogenic nitrosamines' formation. Vitamin C shows to inactivate nuclear factor-κB in endothelial cells during the inflammation process, independent of its antioxidant activity. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory activity of vitamin C may intervene by multifactorial mechanisms, which are not necessarily associated with its intrinsic antioxidant activity. In other words, Ascorbic acid is a potent antioxidant that counteracts and neutralises the harmful consequences of many toxic processes in the body. It can combat various inorganic poisons like mercury and arsenic, and it balances the detrimental reactions of many drugs, bacterial and animal toxins. Ascorbic acid detoxifies carbon monoxide, and carcinogens, so it is the only immediate protection we have against the destructive effects of air pollution and smoking. Hence, vitamin C can prevent and fight off cancer by neutralising chemical carcinogens. Whether the effect depends on its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties or other mechanisms, it is evident that vitamin C is an essential element in cancer chemoprevention. This cancer-preventive capacity is more likely linked with its protective effect against oxidative stress-mediated by ROS. The particular anti-cancer properties of vitamin C are known for many decades. Recent in vitro research shown that vitamin C, in high enough concentrations, can efficiently and selectively kill several different human tumor cell lines, and this data have confirmed in experimental animal tumor models. First human clinical trials revealed that high doses of vitamin C administered by intravenous injection was well tolerated and substantially enhanced patients' quality of life with clinically advanced cancer. However, the clinical evidence of the effectiveness of vitamin C in fighting off cancer is still controversial.

Any there proven epidemiologic studies?

Approximately 90 epidemiologic studies have examined the function of vitamin C or vitamin-C-rich foods in cancer prevention. The Epidemiologic evidence of a protective effect of vitamin C for non-hormone-dependent cancers is strong. Many studies in which a dietary vitamin C intake calculated found a significant protection, with high intake conferring roughly a twofold protective effect compared with low consumption. Evidence for vitamin C's protective effect is consistent for cancers of the esophagus, larynx, oral cavity and pancreas. There is also strong evidence for Vitamin C benefits for cancers of the stomach, rectum, breast, prostate, blood, and cervix. Recently lung cancer studies found significant protective effects of vitamin C as well. Compared with chemotherapy, IV Vitamin C therapy, combined with a diet and supplement regimen, is tolerated well. It appears to have antitumor activity in some cases. It is safe for most patients and is relatively inexpensive. It also seems to increase the quality of life for patients. High dose of vitamin C therapy can become an essential chemotherapeutic method to combat cancer. More recently, a high dose of vitamin C given intravenously demonstrated higher absorption of Vitamin C comparing to vitamin C taken orally. Oral intake limits amount of Vitamin C that can be absorbed while there is no such limitation with Vitamin C given intravenously. This has promise renewed interest in the use of IV vitamin C to inhibit cancer development. In conclusion, we always like to add that medical development is not static but rather dynamic with new advances happening all the time. Ultimately, we need to pick a therapy that brings most benefits with least number of side effects. In some cases IV Vitamin C can be such solution.