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RevIVeDoc IV infusions and shots are tailored to a Chicago-lifestyle. From seasonal flu to weight-loss, to physical training, jetlag and beyond, we’re here to bring you back to life.

At RevIVeDoc, we combine our medical expertise with our passion for wellness to help you get back to living your best life.

Dr Lenny Cohen, MD

Say ‘No More’ to Dry Winter Skin

Say no more to dry winter skin. Photo illustration of a woman with smooth, hydrated skin.

Dry winter skin is common, and it isn’t your fault. It may be the cold winter weather and lack of moisture that’s taking its toll. 

During the winter, both outdoor and indoor humidity is usually much lower, which can strip the moisture from the skin. And without sufficient moisture, the water content of your epidermis decreases. 

Factors like sun damage, underlying medical conditions, and over-cleansing can damage your skin further and accelerate moisture loss. The result? Dry, rough winter skin. 

Do you have dry, winter skin?

Dry, dehydrated skin looks different than moist, supple skin. When your skin is dehydrated, it can look dull, feel tight, and crack easily. 

Dry skin can also increase the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and pore size. But more importantly, dry winter skin can be an indicator that your body needs more hydration. 

Wondering how you can keep your skin hydrated this winter? Here are a few of the best ways to rehydrate cold weather skin:

  • Limit long, hot showers. It can be tempting when it’s cold outside to spend extra time in the shower. But hot water evaporates quickly, pulling moisture from your skin in the process. 
  • Ditch harsh soaps. Harsh soaps leave you feeling dry. Soap binds to oil molecules, stripping your skin of the protective layer of oil that acts as a barrier to keep in moisture.
  • Avoid excessive exfoliation. While gentle exfoliation can be an important component of your skincare, avoid breaking your skin barrier with excessive exfoliation. Exfoliating scrubs away at the top layer of your skin, but it's your outer epidermis skin cells that are responsible for protecting your skin and locking in moisture. 
  • Moisturize with lotion. Immediately after bathing or showering, hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer. Moisturizing your skin with lotion can help your epidermal skin cells lock in much-needed moisture. But not all moisturizers are created equal. Look for a high-quality moisturizer with ingredients like lactic acid, which can help bind additional water to your skin. 
  • Use a humidifier in the winter. To help compensate for the dry indoor air, set your humidifier to 50% or higher to help add moisture back into your skin. 
  • Use sunscreen year-round. Sun damage can compromise the integrity of your skin. Using sunscreen year-round can help protect your skin from photoaging. 
  • Consume less caffeine and alcohol. The diuretic effects of caffeine and alcohol can dry out your skin from the inside. Consider cutting back on both to stay hydrated from the inside.

All of these tips will help you keep moisture in your skin, but what if you want to hydrate your skin from within? 

Here’s How to Hydrate Skin (From the Inside)

Lotions and skincare products can only do so much for your skin. Take your winter skincare to the next level and hydrate your skin from the inside with IV therapy. 

Specially formulated for dry winter skin, Ageless Beauty IV is an IV therapy that provides your skin with the ingredients it needs to be hydrated and radiant from the inside: glutathione, biotin, riboflavin, vitamin C, proline, and lysine. 

The beauty of Ageless Beauty IV therapy is that it promotes more than just skin health and hydration, it’s designed to revitalize your hair, skin, and nails. This three-in-one treatment gives your skin the building blocks it needs to be nourished from the inside. 

Benefits of Hydrated, Radiant Skin

  • Plumper skin
  • Brighter skin
  • Visible glow
  • Decreased irritation
  • Less itchiness or discomfort
  • Improved skin texture (less rough)

Ageless Beauty IV provides your body with vitamins and amino acids like lysine and proline, which are collagen precursors. Boosting lysine and proline intake has been shown to promote collagen synthesis.  Our Ageless Beauty IV also includes glutathione, which is a master antioxidant shown to help improve skin texture, tone, and overall smoothness.  

Get the benefits of hydrated, radiant skin with Ageless Beauty IV. Whether you’re looking to banish dry winter skin for good or get back your glow, Ageless Beauty IV can help. 

To learn more, visit our clinic today. 


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  1. de Paz-Lugo, P., Lupiáñez, J. A., & Meléndez-Hevia, E. (2018). High glycine concentration increases collagen synthesis by articular chondrocytes in vitro: acute glycine deficiency could be an important cause of osteoarthritis. Amino acids, 50(10), 1357-1365.

Eberlein-König, B., Spiegl, A., & Przybilla, B. (1996). Change of skin roughness due to lowering air humidity in climate chamber. Acta dermato-venereologica, 76(6), 447-449.