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RevIVeDoc IV infusions and shots are tailored to a Chicago-lifestyle. From seasonal flu to weight-loss, to physical training, jetlag and beyond, we’re here to bring you back to life.

At RevIVeDoc, we combine our medical expertise with our passion for wellness to help you get back to living your best life.

Dr Lenny Cohen, MD

Stay Healthy: Immunity – Boosting IV Vitamins For Cold And Flu Prevention

IV Bag with Fruit

It’s cold and flu season but that doesn’t mean you need to get sick this time of year. Choose to stay healthy and feel your best this winter with immunity-boosting IV vitamins for cold and flu prevention. 

Wondering what IV vitamins help your immune system? Let’s take a closer look. 

Vitamin B 

B vitamins are a group of eight different vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12). And they’re responsible for performing a wide range of functions including immune function support and mood management.

Found in dark leafy greens, legumes, eggs, milk, salmon, and red meat, B vitamins are essential to supporting the production of lymphocytes, T-cell formation, and antibody proliferation. Vitamin B12, in particular, is known for helping with the production of immune cells. Vitamin B1, B2, and B3 assist with cell repair, wound healing, and support metabolic functions. 

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and usually the first vitamin we think of when we’re discussing immune system support. Commonly found in oranges, strawberries, and spinach, vitamin C helps your body fight off infection. 

Immune T-cells and phagocytes rely on vitamin C to perform essential tasks within your immune system. Having a deficiency in vitamin C can result in a reduced resistance against certain pathogens. 


Although it’s not a vitamin, zinc is an essential trace element that your body requires for proper immune function. As a cofactor in over 300 enzymes that have a secondary effect on the immune system, zinc is closely intertwined with the overall performance of your immune system. Having even a moderate deficiency in Zinc can lead to opportunistic infections. 


Found in animals, plants, and fungi, glutathione is a strong antioxidant shown to promote or inhibit immunological responses by controlling inflammation. The immune system functions best if it has a properly balanced level of glutathione. Even a slight change in glutathione levels can significantly impact lymphocyte functions. 

Why Choose IV Vitamin Therapy?

While it’s smart to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet, it can be difficult to get all of your vitamins from food alone. When you consume your vitamins in food or pill form, your ability to absorb their micronutrients will depend on factors like your digestive system, nutritional status, and overall health. 

IV vitamin therapy works differently by ensuring 100% of the vitamin solution is delivered directly to your bloodstream. Unlike vitamins ingested orally, IV vitamin therapy doesn’t rely on your digestive system for vitamin absorption. 

What IV Vitamins Are Best for Me?

Wondering what blend of IV vitamins are going to be best for your immune system? 

At RevIVeDoc, we don’t believe in taking a cookie-cutter approach to your health. You won’t find pre-mixed solutions or one-size-fits-all treatment plans. 

Our IV vitamin blends are easily customizable and tailored to support your specific wellness goals. 

Customized IV Vitamin Blends

If you’re concerned about your immune system and want to proactively prevent the cold and flu this season, ask us about our Antidote IV. Our Antidote IV is an immunity-boosting blend of IV vitamins customized just for you. 

Designed to strengthen immune system function, expedite illness recovery, and promote cellular repair and healing, our Antidote IV delivers vitamin C, glutathione, Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, and sodium chloride directly to your bloodstream for fast-acting micronutrient absorption. 

More Than Just Vitamins 

We include more than just vitamins in your Antidote IV infusions—we include electrolytes and essential minerals as well. Your immune system relies on essential minerals like zinc and magnesium to help support optimal immune function. 

Zinc has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to regulate the immune system and promote wound healing. It’s an essential mineral that’s commonly utilized to help treat common colds and viral conditions like herpes. Meanwhile, magnesium is an essential mineral that helps your body produce the macrophages and immunoglobulins it needs to destroy viruses. 

Feel Your Best

To maximize the benefits of your Antidote IV treatment, it’s best to schedule twice weekly initially and follow up with monthly infusions. 

To learn more about our Antidote IV and schedule your next treatment, visit our clinic today. 


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